Friday 19 February 2010

Just for the Girlies

Okay so you've bought the dress & booked the church, now why not book a Boudoir Fine Art photography session to give your hubby to be.... an album of striking images of his gorgeous wife at her best. Claire will work with you to create exactly what you are looking for, whether it be beautiful lingerie, partially nude or fully nude. All images are re-touched & airbrushed giving you that magazine look!


Welcome to my latest Blog - Boudoir, which was edited and laid out by my friend Barry.

Barry & I have been friends... for it seems like a lifetime. We met at university back in '94, when the hit TV series Friends had just hit the UK. Friday night would consist of an episode of Friends then it was off to Hollywood Boulevard in the city for waaayyyyyy too many Jack Daniels & a long walk back home.

We were a bit crazy then, dancing through the park with our air guitars and sitting up 'til all hours talking about anything & everything; but mainly aliens & if they existed.

The drive into university in my maroon Cavalier with My Sharona playing full blast & The Floyd on our walkmans (which incidentally were tape cassettes not disc or Ipods). Then, one of our professors, was always stressing about good grammar in our assignments. Awww how I miss those carefree days!

Barry is now teaching & has kept his creative juices flowing with his artwork and a published poetry book no less! ;-)

If you get a moment check out his Art Portfolio

A HUGE Thank You to my bestie xx